Return Policy

Our Return and Refund Policy

Thank you for shopping at ICJ TruckParts.

The following terms are applicable for any products that You purchased with us

Return Method

Send us a email explaining why you want to return it, along in that email we need your name order number, email address , the name and part number of the item you want to return .

You may return products within 21 business days of shipment for a refund. All the information about the return is here, You will have to pay the shipping cost, All return shipping charges are not refundable . All parts have to be in it’s original conditions , product cannot be broken or damaged, Once we received your item We will look at the packages for missing, damaged, or wrong parts. We will contact you right away and let you know about the refund procedure, Also If you receive a damaged part, don’t accept the package tell the shipper straight away and have it return to us. If the shipper left a damaged package nonappearance, immediately contact the shipper and have the package returned to us. All Missing, damaged, or wrong parts are not returnable after 21 business days. You should contacted us immediately if any of that happens. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages, if that happens it must be worked out with the shipping company.

Refund Process

Refunds for any returns usually process and credit within 30 days from the date we receive your return at the store. Once we receive the Item. We make sure everything is correct and that the item is in it’s original condition, Once we have approved the return, the refund will be credited to the credit card you used to buy the Item. You will receive a e-mail from us once we do the refund. Please be aware that your bank may take up to 3-7 business days to post the credit to your credit card. If you have problems with the refund please CALL US or EMAIL US we will get back to you right away 

Order Cancellation

Once you made your payment, And we received the confirmation of the order , Our department will start packing your order , that means there’s a short period of time so , if that happens and you have any reason to cancel the order it has to be within 1 hour from the time we received your order confirmation ! Get in contact with us as soon as possible ( SEND US A EMAIL )

Additional Returning Info

You are responsible for the cost and risk of returning the Items to Us. You should send the Items to the following address:


Once Again we are not responsible for Items damaged or lost in return shipment. Therefore, We recommend to insured with trackable mail service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us: